Saturday, August 9, 2008


Our sales have gone through the roof and we sent out almost all of our samples that we had. In the past month alone we received over 600 requests for print samples and probably have about 10 left and only a quarter of the samples we initially printed. Some new products will be introduced in the sample pack and many more on the website. They're gonna to blow you away. We will have one of the most extensive lines of business cards on the net and all at the same low prices and quality as usual.

A bit overwhelming is an understatement, we are literally working till the early morning hours processing orders and it is getting busier by the minute. No, we are not falling behind. We just had to prioritize our work schedules in a "by importance order". Not to say the samples are not important, they are. It's just that processing your orders is more important.

So, if you here James snoring on the phone, you'll know why. Since he is only one of 2 customer service reps and the only one answering the phones. Good thing is, we may be hiring a new rep to help him out. Know anyone?

Anyway, the new samples will be out soon and they are looking fabulous! Some of you have been waiting for a while now and we appreciate your patience. Hopefully you haven't wandered off somewhere else yet, but if you did, we understand. Just hurry back when you get the envelope in the mail. We'll post a few photos as soon as we finish printing them and our envelopes. Thanks to all for your support and patronage. We truly appreciate your business and will be here for you when you need us. HAPPY 080808 DAY! (even though it's 2am on 080809) :o)

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